Friday, May 2, 2008

What a week!

This has seriously been a crazy week for me! Nathan left on Monday morning with his brother Brent to make the big drive to Kentucky. He arrived Tuesday night and started his new job on Thursday. He is happy to be there and said that the staff has been very friendly and welcoming. It is hard to have Nathan gone, but I have been overwhelmed by the kindness of my friends (I am going to miss you guys!!!!). We have had many invites this week for playdates and dinner, so it has been good to stay busy. Today we had some very exciting news. A cute young family made an offer on our house! They love the floorplan (as do I) and are eager to buy their first home. We are going to counter their offer tomorrow and we are hoping to get a final offer back soon so that we can start making some plans to move the family. They want to close in three weeks, so things could move very quickly. We feel very grateful and blessed. The timing is truly impeccable :) It is amazing how things always work out how they need to. Why do I ever doubt?? Anyway wish us look. Now we have to pray that all of this works out. Nathan is hoping to make an offer on a house in Kentucky next week.


Unknown said...

AHHHH! You're selling your home! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you! I was really getting worried...but you're right...everything works out the way it's supposed to! You are so cute...I love your blog! I'm so glad you've joined us fellow bloggers!

Love ya

Becky said...

Just thinking of you!
Becky (0: