Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hogle Zoo

The girls and I had a fun day today at the zoo with our good friends the Limon's and the Sacks'. The weather was gorgeous!! It was so fun to be outside and learn about the animals. Rachel and Alison decided that the zoo is more fun than school :).

Hanging out on the train with Hailey

It is hard to tell, but this is a huge monkey behind Rachel and her friend Nikelle

Hailey loved watching the giraffes eat

The best thing about going to the zoo is going with friends.


Melissa said...

The blog looks great, and you did it without the husband...I knew you could do it!

Becky said...

So cute! Girlfriends are the best!!!!
Becky (0:

Nate Craig said...

Just wanted to show you that my blog is making a big splash on the web. "I'm pretty huge in the small but yet distinguished circle of Social Security attorneys."
Check this out:

Becky said...

You are totally not OUT! We love you tons!
Becky (0:

Chillygator said...

Your girls are so dang cute!