Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Ode to My Wife"

Amy will kill me for doing this but I wanted to post a blog expressing my love and respect for her. As many of you know, she is an exceptional person. She is a fantastic mother and a better wife. I am extremely proud of what she has accomplished and I am excited for her in her upcoming adventures as a Relief Society President of our Ward. I am proud to have her as my eternal companion and I am impressed at how smooth of a transition she has made moving to Kentucky. Despite the tractor pulls, Mother Mary statues on every lawn, foods fried....cooled.....fried again....., she loves being here with our family. I learn from her everyday. As they say here in the Great Commonwealth of Kentucky, "put your self down for an 'atta girl," Amy. I love you.


Katie said...

Nate you never cease to amaze me! Amy you really are an "exceptional" person. I am glad not only to call you my sister-in-law, but also one on my best friends! Your family is always there for us if we ever need you. I speak for the Pensacola Craigs in saying we love you too!

Heather said...

Nate, that was so stinking sweet I think Amy will forgive you rather quickly. And you are right! We love you Amy!

Becky said...

You are right! You have an awesome and totally hot wife! She is going to be a rockin' Relief Society pres and is going to grow so much and bless so many people in Kentucky!!! I look forward to experiencing that Southern hospitality next summer! And I totally have seen tractor pulls, even on ESPN!!
Becky (0: