Sunday, July 27, 2008

Holiday World

School starts early here (August 6th--yeah!), so we decided to take the kids to away for one last summer vacation. North of here there is a theme park called Holiday World. It's a lot like Lagoon in Utah with a much bigger water park (Nathan says, "It's WAY better than Lagoon!" I still say it is like Lagoon) Anyway, we had a perfect day hanging out with Nate's parents. Great weather and minimal crowds. It really was a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of the day!

The girls all loved the lazy river (as did I :))

Princess Hailey

Such a big day!

What can I possibly say about this picture?
Nathan and his dad are pretty crazy. They were
the only ones brave enough to go on the big
rollercoasters. I don't care if you call me a wus.

Chillin on the new merry-go-round with grandma

Even little Hailey rode the kiddie rides this year.
What a great day!!!


Elisa said...

I love that picture of Hailey. She looks so grown up! What a cutie!

Becky said...

So cute!!! I am glad you guys had such an awesome time!! You family is so cute! Hailey does look so big!
It's ok to be a wus, there are lots of us out there...
Becky (0:

Ellen said...

Hi Amy--
i'm an old AHS friend of Nathan's--and I met you a LONG time ago when you guys were dating. ANyways, I found your blog from his facebook page today & have enjoyed reading about your family's adventures.

We went to Holiday World this summer too! Very fun.

Glad you all are doing well!